Didactic of colour and contemporary art
Didactic of colour and contemporary art
Speaker at the AIC Conference, Lisbon (Portugal) 2018
Renata Pompas
Didactic of colour and contemporary art
Speaker at the AIC Conference, Lisbon (Portugal) 2018
Renata Pompas
Didactics of color and contemporary art
Speaker at the XVI Conference of Gruppo del Colore-Associazione Italiana Colore, CNR, Florence (Italy) 2018
Renata Pompas
Colors and Trends: from decadence to Street Style
Speaker at the XIII Conference of Gruppo del Colore-Associazione Italiana Colore, Naples (Italy) 2017
Lia Luzzatto
Blood and red in art: from cinnabar to light
Speaker at the XIII Conference of Gruppo del Colore-Associazione Italiana Colore, Naples (Italy) 2017
Renata Pompas
Cromatic resonances
Speaker at the Open Lecture “Black Light Art”
Academy of Fine Art of Brera, Milan (Italy) 2017
Renata Pompas
Inside the color
Speaker at the Silk Museum, Como (Italy) December 2017
Renata Pompas
From two-dimensional monochrome to environment colour in art
Speaker at the at the AIC Conference, Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago (Chile) 2016
Renata Pompas
From two-dimsional monochrome to environment colour in art
Speaker at the 12th Colour Conference of Gruppo del Colore Italiano-Associazione Italiana Colore, Politecnico di Torino (Italy) 2016
Renata Pompas
Psychology of color
Speaker at the Milan Order of Architects di Milano with the Italy IACC, Milan (Italy) 2016
Lia Luzzatto
Yellow: huáng
Speaker at the XII Conference of Gruppo del Colore Italiano, Torino (Italy) 2016
Lia Luzzatto