Lia Luzzatto e Renata Pompas, Are the colors everyone’s?
Edizioni Mediterranee. Roma 2022. Euro 19,90
Italian language
Lia Luzzatto e Renata Pompas, Are the colors everyone’s?
Edizioni Mediterranee. Roma 2022. Euro 19,90
Italian language
Course for the presentation of a Natural Dyes Colors Chart.
(December 2021)
Renata Pompas
Color Course, November 2021 (It is back in the presence!)
Renata Pompas
Color Course, November 2021 (It is back in the presence!)
Renata Pompas
TEXTURES Web and Magazine, n. 026- Settembre 2021
Renata Pompas
Online conference with C.I.T.A
Consociazione Italiana Tappezzieri Arredatori
(Italian Association of Upholsterers and Decorators)
Renata Pompas
settembre 2021
Chagall e Malevič: colors of the imagination and colors of the absolute
Renata Pompas (08-09 2021)
Review: YELLOW history of color, Culture and Science of Color, vol. 13, n. 01, 2021
Renata Pompas
Review: The soul of color. Conscious use of color. Culture and Science of Colour, vol. 12, n. 2, 2020
Renata Pompas