Fashion and the consumption of color: what approach?
In: Colore e design tra comunicazione e produzione. De Ferrari (GE), 2010.
Renata Pompas
In: Colore e design tra comunicazione e produzione. De Ferrari (GE), 2010.
Renata Pompas
Il Castello, 2009
Lia Luzzatto, Renata Pompas
The book is about colour in its complexity: from architecture to design, fashion, art and cinema referring to the thematical trends with suggestions how to best use it. It helps finding the connections between colour, substance and environment in order to find the ‘scale quality’ necessary to define the total chromatic meaning of the project. It includes many colour combination schemes. You can also find about a hundred striking colour pictures, accompanied by about 80 chromatic palettes where thematic tonal combinations are suggested.
Through the richness of its images and diagrams this book points out the importance of the fundamental persuasive capacity of colour: it can embroider the message, enhance its meaning, fix its structural elements, and add a further and more complete idea of the whole. Colour knows how to inform, to move ones sensibility, interest, amaze, and involve, following unaware subjects and working on emotions through attraction and repulsion. A deepening anthology ends the book.
Il Castello, Milano (pagg. 144)
Lia Luzzatto, Renata Pompas
The colour of a garment well represents the person who is wearing it and the society he belongs to. This book recalls the swinging of taste in colour regarding apparel, linked to a series of events that often mingle together. Through alterations and changes in history, you can recognize its different events: commercial flows, power hegemony, and philosophical, artistic, and social concepts, that have determined it. The structure of the book allows you to read the chapters in logic-chronological order or as single essays.
Hoepli, Milano (pagg. 206)
Lia Luzzatto, Renata Pompas
This book conducts a research into the origin of the colour archetype, going back to ancient populations and their myths: different tints are used for magic and later essentially symbolic. Literary and historical sources revea l particular facts and beliefs, traditions and curious customs. Why did gold represent the incorruptibility of bodies? What did red incarnate? What kind of weird images did black evoke? Did green and blue have beneficial effects? Colours, also thanks to the richness of the books illustrations, reveales unexpected mysteries enclosed in our unconscious.
Tascabili Bompiani, Milano (pagg. 272)
Lia Luzzatto, Renata Pompas
Coloured images that reach the eye, both shocking or subtly persuading, penetrate in our mind and for this reason it is important for us to interpret them correctly, not only in their external aspect, but mostly for their symbolic and emotional meaning. Many artists and researchers have faced these themes; this book mentions a few of their considerations, comparing them to more recent studies, and provides some methodological suggestions in order to reach the knowledge of intrinsic, psychological, and emotional characteristics of colour.
Il Castello, Milano (pagg. 108)
Lia Luzzatto, Renata Pompas
Colour in nature, and later in what man created, is never accidental, but answers a precise language. The colour is always chosen for a particular reason: to draw attention, to influence the buyer, to stimulate some senses rather than others. This way of communicating is still quite unknown. It is the aim of the book to disclose it in a clear and simple exposition.
Il Castello, Milano (pagg. 84)
Lia Luzzatto, Renata Pompas
This work is a sort of “guide to better understand ourselves”. Considering a combination of colours you have to fill in a diagram of a particular kind of game based on the choice of different tints; you then can choose between 100 personal and specific answers, which permit to outline vividly ones own characteristics, aims, conflicts, and problems. An appendix expalins in what way colours influence our mood when we wear them and what impressions we arouse in others.
Il Castello, Milano (pagg. 88)
Lia Luzzatto, Renata Pompas